LCDLEX -- "Liquid Crystal Display control Lexfile". Adds BLD, BLINK, CLR, DOT, INVERT, LCD, MIRROR, NRMAL, SET, and SMALL to BASIC. Size: 672 bytes. BLD puts the display into "bold mode" in which letters look fatter than usual. BLINK puts the display into "blink mode" in which the whole LCD blinks off/on every half second. CLR clears (turns off) the specified pixel. DOT returns the value (0 or 1) of the specified pixel, and optionally also sets or clears it. INVERT inverts the entire display (all pixels toggle their value). LCD launches an interactive display contrast control mode: pressing the up and down arrow keys raises and lowers the contrast. MIRROR puts the display in "mirror mode" in which everything is displayed upside down. NRMAL resets all these goofy modes back to normal. SET sets (turns on) the specified pixel. SMALL puts the display in "small mode" in which letters look smaller than usual. None of these keywords affect anything other than the display itself. *** LCDLEX *** (31898) File Header (319A5) Poll Handler (31BB6) 17/01 BLD (31B9A) 17/02 BLINK (319FF) 17/03 CLR (31AF9) 17/04 DOT(#,#,?#) (31C80) 17/05 INVERT (31CE4) 17/06 LCD (31BD6) 17/07 MIRROR (31C29) 17/08 NRMAL (319E6) 17/09 SET (31C49) 17/0A SMALL (31DFD) Next File Header